Scholarship: The Best Way to Find One

Just as teachers typically can instantly recognize poor essays, scholarship committees quickly recognize inadequate scholarship applications. Students not meeting scholarship requirements are typically not awarded scholarships, but this is not always the case when there are few applicants or when committees consider other factors. Many students think they don’t have a chance of earning a scholarship, so they never apply. But there are all kinds of scholarships available, and there is no harm in applying. Students who’ve received scholarships typically [...]


Online College: Is Your School Accredited

In any case, your online degree won’t be worth much if the school isn’t properly accredited. Make sure that the online degree you’re taking is accredited. If it isn’t accredited by a recognized board, it won’t be accepted by employers or other institutions of higher education. Before you look into an online college too much, investigate if it is accredited by a regional association. If you’re uncertain, you can visit the website of the U.S. Department of Education. They provide [...]


Accredited Online Degrees

These days, online degrees are widely recognized by other institutions of higher education and almost all major employers. But it must be from a school that is properly accredited. Usually, other schools and employers will not recognize a degree from a non-accredited school. Even worse, claiming a fraudulent degree on your resume is a crime in most states. So always make sure your school is properly accredited, preferably by a regional association. Some schools are accredited by the Distance Education and [...]


Private Loans for Education

Private sources for loans such as banks or credit unions are available for college education. These kinds of loans will vary in details depending on the organization and on your level of education. For these kinds of loans, a FAFSA form is unnecessary. The private organization will have its own application process. Private loans should only be considered as a last resort since these are more expensive than government loans. Loans can significantly reduce the stress of paying for school. It [...]


Online Education: Overview

Technology allows for classes to be delivered in an increasingly large number of mediums, including multi-media presentations. Finding an online program that complements your strengths as a student is real challenge. For some students, the ideal environment is when classes are more hands-off. This means allowing you to work at your own pace. Others quickly discover that they rely on the structure and discipline of an organized class. If this sounds like you, look for an online program that has [...]